The perfect class for your child with the best staff and best teachers.
We provided 4 classes with 9 to 12 children earch aged 12 months to 5 years of age.
Our preschool program has four dedicated classes.
The students learn different skills like rhythm, flexibility, and coordination.
Childrens love this class room as it has many toys and educational games.
Concept of the activity room is about ‘Learning’, through play, in a Xylophone in Classroom.
The perfect class for your child with the best staff and best teachers.
Our preschool program has four dedicated classes.
Concept of the activity room is about ‘Learning’, through play, in a Xylophone in Classroom.
The students learn different skills like rhythm, flexibility, and coordination.
We provided 4 classes with 9 to 12 children earch aged 12 months to 5 years of age.
Childrens love this class room as it has many toys and educational games.
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